Who We Are
We are lots of things! Most of us are single or dating, some of us are married. We're all over 18, but some of us are hovering around 30. College or no college, employed or job searching, none of that matters. We just enjoy being together and having a community to belong to that cares about the day-in, day-out parts of each other's lives. You should join us on a Sunday night some time!
After the 10:00 service on Sunday mornings, many of our Young Adults join others from the church for Let's Eat - an informal gathering for lunch at Steelcraft, someone's backyard, or some other venue.
At 6pm, most Sundays, the Young Adults gather for a home cooked meal, games, and to pray for each other. Location sometimes varies but you can find us most often in the Patio Room of the Education building at Bethany.
At 6pm, most Sundays, the Young Adults gather for a home cooked meal, games, and to pray for each other. Location sometimes varies but you can find us most often in the Patio Room of the Education building at Bethany.
5:45pm dinner | 6:30pm programs
We think eating together is one of the best ways to do church. Wednesday nights provide opportunities to connect over a meal and then break out into a number of different book studies with a wide range of topics to choose from. Or instead of a book study, you might consider volunteering with one of our children's or youth programs! See below for more information.
Giving an hour or two of your week to serve the church is one of the best ways to strengthen your connections in a church and create an even greater sense of community. There are lots of ways to volunteer.

Reach out via email to Dave & Kathy Dyer, our Young Adult Leaders, with any questions you may have.