rule of life

What is a Rule of Life?

A rule of life, or set of spiritual practices, (taken from a Latin word meaning trellis, as in John 15:1-17) is a way to arrange your everyday life to keep you connected to God and abiding in Jesus.

According to John 15:1-10, we as Jesus’ disciples, have only two jobs to do: abide in Him, and bear fruit. Our church-wide rule of life is a way of thinking through and processing how to do that. When it comes to how to adopt a rule of life, everyone must begin where they’re at and not necessarily where they hope to be. Some might be slowly beginning this new rule, while others might be eager for a challenge — which is why we’ve created entry level and developing versions of each practice below.

It’s helpful to keep a rule of life with a community, and this is why we’re inviting and encouraging our whole church to jump in and keep this same rule together. We hope and pray it will be like a trellis that Bethany’s spiritual maturity, unity, and joy can grow on.

What is Bethany CRC's Rule of Life?

As a church community, we have identified two spiritual practices or "values" that flow from our Vision and Mission, and help us better center our lives on Christ: Invitational worship and invitation relationships.

As a community committed to connecting people to Jesus, the natural outpouring should be a people joyfully learning, worshipping, and following Him, while inviting everyone we encounter to do the same. Furthermore, as a community committed to connecting those same people to one another, the natural outpouring should be a people joyfully creating and fostering God-honoring, life-giving, and loving relationships, both in and outside of the church.

How do we practice Bethany CRC's Rule of Life?

"Joyfully learning, worshiping, and following..."

We learn, worship, and follow Jesus by getting to know His story, treasuring what we learn of Him, and by His grace, mirroring and adapting our lives accordingly. For those just getting started, perhaps find a place where you can encounter God (a quiet room, a nice spot on the beach, a walk around the block), and begin by asking the Spirit to meet you there. Once you feel settled, commit to reading through a passage (typically 8-15 verses) slowly, and look for at least one verse that stands out, grabs your attention, or interests you. Take your chosen verse and meditate on it, consider what God might be saying about Himself, you, and the world around you. Then, after about 10-20 minutes, begin to turn your focus outwards, thinking about how you might be able to apply these new found principles throughout your day. Finally, close your time by writing or typing a simple prayer of devotion and thanks.

Now, let's say you've been practicing this particular discipline for some time, and you feel ready to dive a little deeper. We'd suggest two resources and a faithful next step. First, to deepen your Bible reading and meditation, supplement it with a short companion book called, "How to Eat your Bible." Then, to deepen your understanding of the applied Christian life, supplement your personal application with another short companion book, called, "Impossible Christianity." And lastly, the glue which holds all of this together: invite someone to come along for the ride! In other words, order another couple books and invite someone to join you on this journey of deeper learning, worshipping, and following Jesus.

"Joyfully creating and fostering God-honoring, life-giving, and loving relationships..."

As a famed author once said, "What is planted as individualism is harvested as loneliness, but God has designed us for meaningful, tight-knit, and intimate relationships, which lead to joy." These relationships, we'd add, are a part of the very fabric of who we are as human beings, and in many ways, what we need most. So, for those just getting started, perhaps get your feet wet by joining a Bethany Life Group and becoming a present, active part of it. Meaning, share your story, listen intently to others, and look for ways to build bridges of trust and friendship over time. Furthermore, if you're able, seek to build intentional relationships more broadly with your neighbors, coworkers and extended family as well. There is no greater gift to offer someone than the gift of friendship. You never know what you'll gain from it, or where it will lead.

Now, let's say you've been practicing this particular discipline for some time, and you feel ready to dive a little deeper.  We'd suggest a resource and a faithful next step. First, to deepen your understanding of hospitality and friendship, supplement your efforts with a short companion book called, "The Simplest Way to Change the World." Then, if you are able, make some lifestyle changes. Set up a standing call or meet-up with a close friend and Jesus-follower (i.e. a weekly phone call or monthly coffee). Focus on sharing deeply the things you are tempted to keep hidden; supporting one another practically and encouraging one another’s relationship with Jesus. When it feels right, pray about inviting one or two non-believing friends to join you, and begin the life-giving process of merging your "universes."